We work in accordance with the ISO 9001: 2015 /ISO 14001:2005
quality management standard
Warranty and post-warranty service for ASUS products
IT service center
NMC-PE Polska is a service center that provides repairs of electronic equipment based on the latest technologies.
The company’s history began in 1994 thanks to the expansive development of the IT market. The growing sales of computers on the European market and the related costs of transport to sites located in the manufacturers’ countries: China and Taiwan, forced the organization of repairs in Europe.
We took advantage of the opportunity and offered our services, offering educated staff and service prepared to handle repairs in the warranty and post-warranty regime. The rapid increase in the number of repairs resulted in the development of the website and the need to transform it into a company with legal personality, which became a more reliable partner for very demanding customers. Over the years, until Poland joined the EU, we developed procedures in the field of logistics and repairs
and quality control, which have become the basis for a new set of procedures, well-established with extensive experience, currently operating. The imposed repair standards in conjunction with the ISO 9001 Quality Management System implemented and maintained since November 18, 2011, have become a reliable basis for concluding and continuing contracts with producers of computer equipment.

We Create Fully Connected Systems So You Can Focus On Your Business

We're Here To Help!
NMC-PE Polska Sp. z o.o.
st. Wąwozowa 15
75-339 Koszalin
Po-Fr: 7.0 – 17.00
Sa-Su: Closed
Contact in English
+48 503 020 924 eryk@nmc-pe.eu